This is a story about my Aunt Jenna. She likes to play with me and its so fun. She likes to push me on the swing. Jenna lives in Utah. She loves me so much, she likes to play games with me too, its fun and i laugh. She likes to babysit me. One time I spent the night at her house in Idaho Falls where her Mom and Dad and her family lives, while my mom and dad were gone. She has blonde hair and she is really pretty. Bye presley987654321 and gone.
Oh Sessalee! Or I mean Carly Rebecca Presley Kate Walker!!! You have done so many posts today I think it set a world record! I'm glad though because I was starting to wonder if you had forgotten all about your blog. You are the only blog that i follow! You have to keep posting alot! Guess what? I'm coming to disney land next week!! I got my plane ticket today and I am so so excited. Should we eat mickey shaped pancakes with mickey or do you think he'd get mad because we were eating his head? Will you go on the haunted house ride with me? I get so scared. write me back!