This is a story about going to Disneyland and seeing all Disneyland people. I saw Jasmine and I went on thundermountain railroad. It was really fun! I also went on Space Mountain three times and I went on Splash Mountain. I cried on Splash Mountain because I got soaking wet. My favorite rides were Thundermountain Railroad, Space Mountain and Tea Cups. We went with Drue, Zach, Macie, Kylee, Tayler, Shelby, Shalyse, Jenna, Grandma Kathy, Allie, Me ,Grace and my Mom. I got my face painted twice and my mom even got her face painted. I got some stuff from Tinkerbelle and I took pictures with her. We stayed at disneyland all day until me and grace feel asleep in the stroller and then mom pushed us back to the hotel. At night we watched the fireworks and we saw tinkerbelle in the sky. We ate corndogs, pizza and lots of treats. We went in Minnies house and it was so cute! I was scared of the Bugs Life movie because I thought the spiders were really going to land on me and stink bug was REALLY stinky! One night we thought that grace got kidnapped and it was really really scary. Everyone was crying and screaming and everyone opened their doors because they could here everyone screaming. Even I was crying. The balcony door was opened just a smidge and she didnt even wake up when we were screaming and then all the sudden we heard this little scream and she was under the bed and drue was calling the police. Shalyse grabbed her ankle and pulled her out. I am so glad we found her because she is my favorite sister and i love her so much. We went in a cool tree house. It was a really fun trip! This is a story about disneyland, bye! presleykate
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