Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is Shalyse's blog post and we are going to write a story about her. Shalyse lives in Utah and she comes to visit us a lot and she likes to play with me, she is the funnest aunt ever. I think she is really pretty and she has brown hair like me. She is a good singer and she has a picture on her wall and she is wearing a blue dress with sparkles on it and a crown on her head. I think she is a princess and I want to be one like her. Bye!


  1. Sessalee!!! Thank you!!! I am for sure the #1 fan of your blog!

  2. You are gunna be a princess just like ShaLyse one day!

  3. Sisselhoff! You have written a post about Tay and Shelby and Shalyse, AND NOT ME?! I thought i was the favorite Aunt?!

  4. p.s. I love your blog! I check it everyday! Its just like icarly! How are Fee and Gace-a? Tell them i say hi!
