Dallen the first time I met him he threw me against my wall at my house. And now he's pretty nice to me because he took me to school and gave me fruit roll-ups. I hope they do get married and Dal flop turns out to be my uncle. Dallen he before went to kindergarten he took me around my school on the scooter and he slided down the slide and he got stuck and I had to pull him out. And he was on his back. We said SUCKERS to these people around the neighborhood cause Dallen told me to. And one time I was at my grandma's house and he was on the computer and I was by him and he kissed me on the lips and he called my dad and told him that I kissed him but I didn't. He was teasing my dad. And Dallen is my aunt's boyfriend and that's who he is, just to let you know. I call him lots of names. These are the names I call him: I call him Dilflop, Dilmoney, and Dil-rhinosauros (I used to). He calls me Sessle. And I think it's very very funny. I don't have a crush on him just to let you know, because I don't want you to think I have a crush on him and that's why I told you that. Bye Bye everyone.
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